AAM Anno XVI (2013), n. 15 (2)








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Archivio Antropologico Mediterraneo on line – Anno XVI (2013), n. 15 (2)

Gabriella D’Agostino, Costruire o de-costruire il campo/Constructing or de-constructing the field 
DOI: 10.7432/AAM150201

De-constructing the field

Vincenzo Matera,
Ethnography: experiences, representations, practices for studying cultural diversity. Introductory notes
DOI: 10.7432/AAM150202

Thomas Fillitz, Spatialising the field: Conceptualising fields and interconnections in the context of contemporary art of Africa
DOI: 10.7432/AAM150203

Michela Fusaschi,
Le silence se fait parole: ethnographie, genre et superstes dans le post-génocide rwandais
DOI: 10.7432/AAM150204

Ferdinando Fava, “Chi sono per i miei interlocutori?”. L’antropologo, il campo e i legami emergenti
DOI: 10.7432/AAM150205

Nigel Rapport, The informant as anthropologist. Taking seriously “native” individuals’ constructions of social identity and status
DOI: 10.7432/AAM150206

Paolo Favero, Picturing Life-Worlds in the City. Notes for a Slow, Aimless and Playful Visual Ethnography
DOI: 10.7432/AAM150207

Francesco Pompeo,
«We don’t do politics». Rhetorics of Identity and Immigrant Representation in Rome City Council
DOI: 10.7432/AAM150208


Mariano Fresta, Proprietà intellettuale, marchio e cultura popolare. Riflessioni sul caso dei bottari di Macerata Campania e Portico di Caserta
DOI: 10.7432/AAM150209

Leggere – Vedere – Ascoltare
DOI: 10.7432/AAM150210


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